Looking for an additional revenue stream for your staffing agency, or to cut administrative expenses while keeping your sales team selling instead of cleaning up resumes?
As an affiliate, we ask you to simply refer your candidates to Night and Day Resume. If hired, we will edit and re-format their entire resume, make the content better, and educate your candidate on why we make changes which helps them interview better.
After our consult we send you back a better resume to represent them so you can place them in a great role!
No agency is too small! Actually, smaller agencies appreciate our support to keep their sales people selling and their sourcing people sourcing!
We offer a monthly agency support package to Re-Format and edit resumes for just $395 for 15 resumes. We credit you $20 for any referral who uses our service. Based on the number of referrals, this could be no cost to you!
You get resumes back quickly and can use 5 “Quick Turn” cards per month to get the resume back in 60 minutes or less (during business hours of 7a-7p Eastern time. Most resumes are turned around in 4 business hours or less and every time we make a change, you will be provided the most recent update.